Michaelmas Festival - Courage over Darkness

Come one, Come All

To our Michaelmas Festival

For those courageous, brave, and true

Watch what our local blacksmith can do

Fire, iron, melted hot Fearful and timid, she is not!

But early in the morn’ you must arise

the magic to behold and realize

Children both young and old

act out the story of St. George so bold

To tame the dragon fierce and wild

Make safe the world for every child

Share in morning feast delight

Begin our autumn season right.


This festival honors St Michael, who inspires courage and strength in each of us.

He is traditionally pictured in the act of subduing a dragon, which represents the dark side of human nature.

During the days leading up to our Michaelmas festival, students hear stories and sing songs of St. Michael, who inspires us to take courage against darkness.

Shortly after drop off, the Grades students perform a play for the community that depicts the story of St. Michael and his battle with the dragon. The children learn that with great valor, dragons can be beaten.


Brave and true will I be,

Each good deed sets me free,

Each kind word makes me strong.

I will fight for the right!

I will conquer the wrong!

Sword of Michael brightly gleaming,

Down to earth its light is streaming,

May we see its shining rays

In the Winter’s darkest days



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